Sunday, February 22, 2009

Car Seat Graduation

Anneliese was getting a bit tall for her travel system so we went shopping to get Ethan a booster seat. We went with the Graco TurboBooster Roanoke. He was very excited about the dual cupholders. Obviously they are both very comfortable in their new setups.

Click here or the images to see photos from the past two months.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Ethan has a set of toy airplanes and when he first got them he always wanted to know what kind each airplane was i.e. what was it's purpose. When we were traveling for thanksgiving, Ethan made a very funny comment while we were taxiing around the tarmac.

"Some airplanes are for people, some airplanes are for presents, and some airplanes are for soda." --Ethan

We had certainly taught him the first two (Continental and DHL) but where did he get soda? After I gave him an explanation about how flying soda would be too heavy, he was emphatic to the contrary. Then, just before we took off, he pointed out the window excitedly and said, "There's a soda plane!"
If you haven't figured it out yet, click here or click the plane picture.

Apparently in October 2008 however, they decided to update their logo...perhaps because 3-year-olds couldn't tell them apart?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Recent Ethan Quote

"How'd you get to be so cute?" --Mommy

"Well, I was born in the hospibal [sic] and then I grew up." --Ethan

Monday, February 2, 2009

Tough girl!

Anneliese is either a tough girl or extremely good natured. She's had three encounters with needles, the most recent today to have blood drawn from her arm, and hasn't made a peep during a single one of them. This includes the day she got three shots in her quads. Ethan was a crier so I'm sure when she's older she can hold this over his head.