Monday, March 31, 2008


Well, we're pretty much past the "What kind of car is that? An Audi. What kind of Audi? A silver Audi. What kind of silver Audi? A fast silver Audi. What kind of fast silver Audi?" and now fully into the why phase.

"Can I ride my bike through Daddy's tape? No. Why? Because it's protecting Daddy's grass. Why? Because the seeds won't grow if people step on them. Why? That's just they way it works."

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Recent Ethan Quote

"I'm going to read when I go to work." --Ethan

"What are you going to read?" --Mommy

"Charts." --Ethan

(A commentary on what Daddy does at his job. Many a day I will come home and Ethan will ask, "Did you show charts today?")

Recent Ethan Quote

"We're best friends Mommy!"

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Recent Ethan Quote

"Ethan, why don't you stick the stickers on the paper?" --Daddy

"Because it's more fun to aggravate Mommy." --Mommy

"Yea, it sure it Daddy." --Ethan