Saturday, September 20, 2008

Puzzle Master

Ethan has turned into a real puzzle master, easily doing 24-piece puzzles without any help. He's adopted starting with the corners and is much better at matching up the picture rather than just relying on the shape. We got three new 48-piece ones but haven't tried them yet...stay tuned!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Recent Ethan Quote

"These grapes are scrumptious!" --Ethan

(We have no idea where he's learning these words)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Big Boy School

Ethan has started day care on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at our church. The potty training has gone well enough that he seemed ready. He had been showing signs that he might throw a fit when Liz left him and kept saying he didn't want to go because it was "going to be boring" but once the teacher showed him some dinosaur toys he ran off without saying goodbye. Subsequent days have gone similarly. At night he seems excited when he talks about playing games, eating a snack, doing art projects and playing outside. Liz is enjoying her two mornings alone with Anneliese.