Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Christening Dress Beauty Shoot

One stuffed animal as a model stand-in during lighting setup. Forty-two pictures taken. One breast-feeding break. One picture where she's looking at the camera without looking too distressed, priceless.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Baptisms all around!

Well, this past Sunday everyone but Liz got baptised for the first time. Word had it that Ethan stole the show up at the altar with his cute antics. Anneliese is now four weeks old, pushing past eleven pounds, and got evicted to the office after Liz' mother left. She sleeps great during the day but has the hardest time falling asleep at night. I'm trying to find what works and so far the dimmed recessed lights in the kitchen and the dishwasher seem to work pretty well. We may pull out the pacifier soon to see if that does the trick. I did successfully feed her 2 oz. from a bottle the other day which was fun. Our doc said to not let her decide when to eat during the night until she weighed 12 oz. so I'm putting her on the scale frequently in hopes of giving Liz an easier time at night.

A few more pictures have been added to the album, here
including those from the baptism.

Friday, May 9, 2008

All is well

Ethan is still smitten with his baby sister. Liz feels really good except for the sleep deprivation. Having Memmere (Sue) and Oma (Gloria) around to take on Ethan's boundless energy has also been great. Anneliese has has a couple of baths and is almost done molting a layer of skin. At her two week checkup she measured a pound over her birthweight and grew an inch to 21.25" so Liz has been cleared to allow her to sleep up to four hours before waking her up to feed (if she lets us sleep that long). She's been really finicky from 9-11 every night which makes going to bed rough.

Some traits that are different from Ethan are that she was articulating her fingers from day one whereas he had his hands clenched in fists for a long time. When she's sleeping or falling asleep, she makes lots of noises like squeaks and throat clearing sounds that sound like a velociraptor from Jurassic Park.

Click here or the image to get to her photo album with new pictures added of Ethan holding her.