Sunday, September 20, 2009

Football, Falafel and Flooring

So fall is here, technically. Ethan and Anneliese are taking an interest in football and Ethan wants to know "Who's on your team Daddy?" referring to fantasy football. We went to a local Greek festival and had fun but weren't able to convince Ethan to go on the ferris wheel. We discovered a backyard spider that looks like a crab with a body the size of a dime! Creepy. We finally took the first steps pulling up carpet to see how much original flooring is missing from when the house was added on to before we bought. On an impulse (that stretched into a few days) we successively pulled up 370 sq-ft of carpet to check it out. Ethan started crying saying he was going to miss the carpet "because we've had it for a long time". He got a grip after a while and both he and Anneliese helped out pulling carpet padding staples and washing down the floor which is a wavy dirty mess but it's still about as good as our carpet was.

Click here or the album for photos!

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