Thursday, January 21, 2010


Here's an Anneliese personality update.  She loves having her shoes off'.  Many a car ride start off with her shoes and socks hitting the floor before we've even turned onto the big street.  She is very sweet and ask for "kiss" and "squeezes" at night and when I leave in the morning.  She has gotten more words down like "help me", "please", nods and shakes her head, says "yes" or "no", and does chores when she's in the mood saying "O.K.".   She can be very independent and says "my do it" because for months she's been very into posession pointing to chairs, drinks, food and saying "Mommy's", "Daddy's", "Eth's" and "My".  Poor thing went through a double ear infection recently.  She throws a total fit when she doesn't  get her way resulting in: throwing things, biting, hitting, flopping on the floor crying, or sometimes just running off to their room crying.  The biting could get worse as her incisors are starting to come in.  She's definitely rough.  She likes pulling Ethan's hair and loves head butting Mommy and Daddy in the chest repeatedly for fun when we hold her.  She enjoys wrestling either Daddy or Ethan by straddling us on the floor.  At the same time, she's a nurturer.  If she sees a kid crying at the playground she'll go up to them, pat them on the back saying "shhh shhh shhh".

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