Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wood floor!

With Liz and the kids gone for a week to visit Oma & Opa in Michigan, I set out to install new flooring.  I'd done plenty of floor leveling and undercut the door jambs over the previous weeks. Pépère volunteered to stay for a few days to help get me started. After more prep work and much deliberating and measuring, in a hard days work had three planks laid!  Liz was full of disbelief at the report.  We spent much of the next day fiddling with techniques to end the floor at the bedrooms without using transition for a cleaner look.  Again with the second progress report, Liz was underwhelmed.  Pépère picked up the pace the next day while I was at work and made it past all the bedrooms.  I managed to finish things off and get the furniture moved in an hour before having to get the family at the airport.  Ethan loves it because now his cars fly across the room and he can configure giant train tracks without having to worry about the squishy carpet causing problems.

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