Friday, May 9, 2008

All is well

Ethan is still smitten with his baby sister. Liz feels really good except for the sleep deprivation. Having Memmere (Sue) and Oma (Gloria) around to take on Ethan's boundless energy has also been great. Anneliese has has a couple of baths and is almost done molting a layer of skin. At her two week checkup she measured a pound over her birthweight and grew an inch to 21.25" so Liz has been cleared to allow her to sleep up to four hours before waking her up to feed (if she lets us sleep that long). She's been really finicky from 9-11 every night which makes going to bed rough.

Some traits that are different from Ethan are that she was articulating her fingers from day one whereas he had his hands clenched in fists for a long time. When she's sleeping or falling asleep, she makes lots of noises like squeaks and throat clearing sounds that sound like a velociraptor from Jurassic Park.

Click here or the image to get to her photo album with new pictures added of Ethan holding her.

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