Sunday, November 4, 2007

Happy Halloween

So Ethan has been fascinated with Halloween for months and luckily didn't throw a fit when provided a costume that wasn't his first choice. He's been learning all about ghosts, witches, pumpkins, skeletons, monsters, etc. via books, newspaper ads, etc. For weeks he said he wanted to be a ghost and we had the face paint and white hairspray all ready but then found great fireman and pirate costumes 50% off at Old Navy. The fireman ended up being very topical with all the wildfires we had recently. A week prior to Halloween, Ethan started saying that he wanted to be a lion!

Decorating the house was fun too. We got window decals and Ethan helped put them up but the funny thing was that the dozen or so stars that came with the pack, Ethan put them in a straight line underneath a spider instead of having them all dispersed...could be early signs of OC.

Anway, the fireman costume worked fine and he and I ended up trick-or-treating for almost two hours in the dark neighborhood. He was a little scared once we tried to go to a scary decorated house and I didn't think the whole thing was going to last very long but then he had an epiphany and said "Ethan want more candy" and started going right on up to doors. He said "Happy Halloween" and "Thank you".

Click here or the album for more photos!

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